Mondadori, Italy’s biggest and most prestigious publishing house, has recently opened a bookstore at Costaverde Shopping Centre, Campobasso. The new store spans over 200 sqm and houses a retail offer of more than 10,000 books and a separate kids area with children’s books, toys and small gifts.
During the same week, La Cittadella Shopping Centre (Turin) celebrated the new opening of TEDI, one of Europe’s leading brands in the non-food sector. The new 748 sqm store is the result of the remodelling and refurbishment of four medium-sized units and the addition of a fifth, previously vacant, unit.
With about 2,250 stores around Europe, the self-proclaimed “family-friendly neighbourhood supplier” is a fast growing international retailer popular for its competitive prices and wide offer, including daily household items, DIY and electrical goods, stationery, toys and cosmetic products.